Thursday, May 5, 2016

Rehab #22 - New Windows makes a Difference!

We're back at it!! I want to take a moment and thank The Most High for each and every blessing that has been bestowed upon my husband and I. We are truly grateful for having such a thriving business and I'm exited to show you this little cutie.

This house was definitely one of the less appealing houses we've purchased but in true Cooley style, we were up for the challenge. From disagreements about removing a wall unit, to changing cabinets, we had our work cut out! But, when it was all said and done, we ended up with this ... enjoy!!!

Needs a good pressure wash and some new windows!

Kym: "Babe, we need to tear these out!"
Vyck: "Nah, they're good-just paint 'em black."
Kym: [rolls eyes]


Wall unit ... No!!!

I see potential in this room

No, no, no!!

Master Bedroom
That ceiling was a MESS!

Ahhhhh, what a difference windows make!!

Potential achieved ... So much cleaner, right?

Yes, yes, yes!

Hubby won the cabinet disagreement :-( ... new sink, faucet, flooring and paint

Repaired all of that old and ugly sheet-rock and ceiling

Until next time ....

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Rehab #21 - No work needed ... Are you sure???

21 is a great number, eh? Some people look forward to having their first drink, legally, and some look forward to going to the hottest club. For me, it's a new property!! When I say we had very little work to do on this house, I mean VERY LITTLE!

Hope you enjoy it because the after pics are identical to the before, just cleaner.

All we did was ... (queue the 🎶Jeopardy Music 🎶)

Vacuum, mop, clean the kitchen and baths, 
and put in a new stove ... tada!!

Until next time ...

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Rehab #20 - Say what!!!

I CANNOT believe that we have TWENTY properties! It seems like a year ago when we started buying and renovating houses. This has been such a rewarding venture in our lives and I'm happy to share our twentieth rehab with all of you.

It's been so hard to find single family homes with all of the hedge fund companies buying them up. Can't compete with the millionaires yet, but one day ... we will! My husband is ALWAYS looking for properties and luckily, we won the bid on this one. There was no kitchen, at all!! So we started from scratch in that area ... everything else was easy, paint, carpet, light fixtures, ya know, the basics. My husband took the before and after pics, hence the lack of photos, sorry!

Click on the images for a larger view

REDO - Folding TV Trays!!

Now, I'm sure most of us has or have had these FUGLY folding TV trays, right??

Well, we had a EIGHT, how bout that!! Our housewarming party was this past summer, July 18, 2015 and even though I designed our house to have plenty of seating, we still needed something for our guest to eat on if they weren't at a table or the kitchen island. My husband LOVES these trays and thought it would be cool to use them. Me??? I couldn't stomach looking at them in the corners, let alone using them, plus, they didn't match my decor :-)

So, I thought, Ah Ha!! I can do a small DIY project for a conversation starter. And here they are ... whaddayathink?

Click on images for a larger view.

Removed the tape and Voila!
Painted a darker Gray
over the top
Painted them a light Gray
Then taped my design

My cat uses one for her food too!

Looks so much better, eh?? I even stenciled our last name and our initial on a few.

Thanks for viewing ... until next time!!

- Kym